As if I’ve never been here…

Today I cleared Studio 12. I heard again that it wasn’t the ideal
studio and no one wanted it. It was just the thing for me. It worked
for me and it did so wonderfully.

The clean up came after a few last offerings from the collected
pieces. Each image sets itself sharply into focus on my writable
tablet. I had a good chat with an artist I had tried to spend time
with since I met her on the first day. we sat on the green bench top
as the last event before I took everything down. I was glad that I
could effect this process on my own, allowing the space the graceful
exit it deserved.

4 thoughts on “As if I’ve never been here…”

  1. Pain yes, but oddly, in a good way…it is cleansing to have it finally occur after knowing that this was to be the outcome from my first mark on the wall. Like death is a relief somehow from life. Inevitable but not altogether tragic knowing that at least ‘I was there’ once.

  2. Flossie

    I wanted to contact you to discuss a schools based art project in Maribyrnong. My email address is included in the profile.

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