Today I further constructed a new installation THREE TABERNACLES. I found seventeen foldable pockets of varying sizes made from brocade in my usual Opp Shop in Melbourne several years ago. I could not resist buying all of them even though I have many raw materials at home already. They appealed to my interest in collapsible space, varying size, textile, wood and found objects. I took them to Canberra for my Residency at the Australian National University and set them up behind my tapestry loom. There they sat tipped upside down, stacked largest to smallest for six (6) weeks. Once I knew what I wanted to do with them – add a ‘tent’ door which hid a simple letter from the title, I left them alone to wait for the time to create. So, now I bought the balsa wood for the trim, have cut out the letters and glued them in place. Soon I will take out my sewing machine and add the decorative stitching. It is important that I do not cut into the fabric of the structure.

Knitting bags…a work in progress
Knitting bags…a work in progress

Week 4, Day 021 BBBBlog it!

Week 4, Day 021 BBBBlog it!

This is the sheet that viewers will be asked to fill in instead of a guest book when they visit B, B & B. Kay Perkins, director of The Central Goldfields Art Gallery, said it should be fun to gain this interaction. ‘People will be left alone to drop the questions in a box or hand them to staff. They may feel more like being honest that way.’ I suppose any Feedback is good but I will be happier to respond to signed comments. It does not matter if they are negative or positive. Any reaction is fair. But I have to stand by my work, so others should have to stand by their words.

Have you ever wished that the artist could walk beside you as you look around her exhibition so she could explain the work? Did you ever think that the artist would want to hear your questions and comments too? So, the next best thing is to Blog it! Write it here, adding your name, hand it to the staff and they will see that the artist gets it a.s.a.p. look for your answer at http://myblog.flossiepeitsch.com/






BBB Outside Banner
BBB Outside Banner

Week 3, Day 012 Talking With Directors

Week 3, Day 012 Talking With Directors

There is no doubt that my time on the phone chatting to the gallery directors about what they want to exhibit and why has turned my attitude about my own work full circle! Just before, I felt artistically despondent without seeing any recent validation for my life’s work. I have been feeling more so ever since the completion of my recent PhD. I wondered if I was after money or perhaps a huge reputation to complete my feeling of self purpose in art. NOT SO! True, I would not turn down fame or fortune but discourse about my work in truly interested and knowledgeable company suffices at this time. It has done wonders for me! I even think I can tackle my office and studio cleanup now.

Chatting with peers in Banff
Chatting with peers in Banff

Week 2, Day 005 No Funding Granted

Week 2, Day 005 No Funding Granted

B, B & B didn’t get ANY government funding specifically for this Tour. Particularly surprising is the toss by the Arts Victoria Touring Project – designed to support Victorian galleries – especially in regional areas – in obtaining Victorian art produced in Victoria for Victorians. It was very disheartening to be sure! There has been no explanation or feed back on this. At least this rejected application supported by the six participating Victorian galleries was a shared disappointment. But with more than two years of planning after the regional Launch by Anthony Camm at the Ararat Regional Art Gallery, B, B & B must not be allowed to come to nothing! With Ian Tully from Swan Hill Regional Gallery as the intrepid Tour Host and six keen venues, thankfully B, B & B continues – perhaps on a shoestring, but with plenty of goodwill and enthusiasm!

Hold on, I just visited the website for Arts Victoria Touring Project recipients and have some ideas as to why B, B & B did not get funding…this project is not by NETS Victoria, who like to create their own tours; it is not ‘multi-artist’ based – seen to be giving more for less; not theatre or orchestra, not Regional Arts Victoria, not Museum based, etc.…this is almost entirely about one government hand paying the other or presenting safe, widely accepted arts outcomes. My interpretation: No handouts for edgy installation art, itself a tricky medium which many outlying galleries do not have the courage to show.

We should not feel badly about not getting the grants, in the least.

Week 1, Day 002 Blogging with a theme

Week 1, Day 002 Blogging with a theme

So, the idea with this year-long Blog is to draw a portrait of BED, BREAKFAST & BELIEF: Seeking The Spiritual Self In Community Relationship ….Who it involves, What it delivers, Where it goes, When it connects/fails, Why it is of interest, and How it changes. Of course, creating the majority of the exhibition has already taken over ten years which will not be documented but more installations will immerge over the year.

This Victorian Tour is unique in that though it represents a large body of work, each gallery was encouraged to pick installations which suited its particular preferences, gallery space and clientele. With great enthusiasm, these choices were enacted. So what seemed like a good idea at the time is proving to be a complicated process. Effectively, each gallery chose very different work and six groupings of Peitsch art will be installed throughout the Tour. The good thing of course is that each gallery director will have exactly what she/he wants and people visiting more than one location will expand their experience of the work.

The earliest installation of the exhibition
The earliest installation of the exhibition