The day has come! A wonderful and crowd arrived for the Artist’s Dialogue and stayed for the Launch Formalities. For the first time I met Ian Tully, whom I have corresponded with for years, and his sweet wife Annie. They travelled over three hours to join in the fun. I was very impressed.
Ian was the illustrious Opener and his speech emphasized the importance of this work ‘being seen’. I agree that the tactile intrigue and mix of 2D and 3D makes B, B & B quite a delight in real life…offering plenty to tease the mind and eye.
Though people are generally moving away from the religion found in churches and in fact, are not drawn to churches as places of spirituality, Ian commented that they are very keen to buy churches as a space to construct their homes. This is true. I think people who would not be found dead in church…or maybe only dead…. still respect the ‘sense of spirituality’. I must think more about this…
Someone I spoke to later about the ‘churches as houses’ comment said it was about the large, open space on offer. This may be true too but to say ‘I live in a old church’ brings more intrigue than to say ‘I live in an old factory’.
Housing and a ‘sense of the spiritual’ is the topic for Darren McGinn at Craft Victoria. It has long been the interest of Greer Honeywill, too, at Flinders Lane Gallery