Comment on chat about being the mother of six young children…
8:31 PM I think I looked tired most often but I was so busy that I did not know it. Though my life has never revolved singularly around ‘my children’ and inside I was always ‘the practicing artist’, I was content with the art that happened during that time as I never wanted to give up anything concerning you all. I tried to squeeze the art outcomes around time with you – not because I had to, but I needed to be with you perhaps even more than you needed to be with me. I didn’t know that I was learning essential things that were to become my art now. These things I learned make my art valuable and worthwhile…and good. I must never feel a failure…I have all of you…even if I am never a well-known artist…xx
8:32 PM goodnight 🙂
8:35 PM Matthias: just because you’re not well known doesn’t stop you from being important.
8:36 PM and we are thankful for your effort in our lives.