Dear loved ones,
Thank you so much for remembering me with a chirpy card, flowers, chocolate and champers…all favourite vices…on this special Mother’s Day. It is special because I officially have responsibility for only one of you anymore. Unofficially, of course, I will always feel responsible for you – as my mother did before me and her mother and so on. Some of you I gave birth to…I was remembering each of those occasions this morning as I sipped my tea on the balcony.
Most of all I want to thank Tom, without whose agreement and cooperation, none of you would exist in the particular state you are now. I love Tom very much and am so glad he asked me to marry him. Just think what I would have missed out on!
I talked about all of you a great deal this past week as I presented artist’s talks in Wangaratta in conjunction with B, B & B. You are all part of the making of this art. I can’t beat that inspiritation (hmmm … a good title for my next exhibition??) or collaboration but I am doing my best to carry on with those at hand…lucky Tom and Patch (!)
Thank you for making my Day very happy. Now I have to get to work to finish a few pieces of art for Bendigo, help pick up the trailer and pack it to travel tomorrow, pack myself for one month away from home and pack up art materials to make while away… I think Hungry Jacks and Jamaican chocolate cheesecake from the shop are still on the agenda, too.
love each you very much and am still proud to be the mother of ’em all!
Florence Grace (nee Stumpf) Peitsch