S is for charles Saatchi in G is for Gallery

S is for charles Saatchi in G is for Gallery

Excepts from Wikipedia…

Young British Artists or YBAs[1] (also referred to as Brit artists and Britart) is the name given to a loose group of visual artists who first began to exhibit together in London, in 1988. Many of the artists graduated from the BA Fine Art course at Goldsmiths, in the late-1980s…… most of the YBAs were born in the mid-1960s. They are noted for “shock tactics”, use of throwaway materials, wild-living, and an attitude “both oppositional and entrepreneurial.”[2] They achieved considerable media coverage and dominated British art during the 1990s. See below:  Goldsmiths where many TBA studied.

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Steel    Hiroshi Sugimoto    Do-Ho Suh    Stubbs    Stoss    Still    Smithson    Cindy Sherman    Seurat

Schneider    Schwitters    Sargent    Andres Serrano

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