T is for Ted in G is for Gallery

T is for Ted in G is for Gallery

Imagine being able to see artwork in the greatest museums around the world without leaving your chair. Driven by his passion for art, Amit Sood tells the story of how he developed Art Project. What a great idea!

This type of access to art galleries completely voids the time/space/cost restrictions. How splendid! And this process is equally useful to art as object, process and performance.  But, with increased access does one gain increased understanding? Does the sensuousness or immediacy of art still transfer? Or, is this just more remote, DIY art experience without intelligence? Knowledge is not wisdom. It is only more knowledge.  Does it diminish the value of art by such easy access or add value by increasing a pseudo intimacy? Will non-paying consumers start the slippery slope of uneconomic viability for galleries? Internet overload itself will prevent too much helpful insight into this aspect of the tool. So, we shall see…

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