Bite 2 by FP: A Tea Cozy insulates the heat of the brewing tea – sometimes all day – in some cultures. It would be beneficial to be able to isolate and insulate any love relationship against the cooling down which seems to occur all too often. Wool, fabric, cotton 16cmW x 16cmL x 28cmH $3,800

Bite 2 by NN: On some occasions Pink-Batts are needed as sound-proof insulation in order to protect the divine from being misrepresented and consumed by the heat generated within the hearts of passionate and dedicated human beings. Language is but one cosy and seductive means by which relationships are constructed, a means by which gender equality can be negated or obscured and a powerful tool by which once healthy and cozy relationships can mutate into suffocating experiences of intimidation and violence. It constantly needs deciphering so that relationships are infused with a healthy brew.


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