Bite 13 by FP: In need of a small sanctuary to find the milk of human kindness and maybe even the divine, often leads one to a wordy wash that confuses -rather than clarifies.
Cardboard wood 30cmL x 30cmW x 30cmH $4,300
Bite 13 by NN: The Incarnation tells the story that God became human, thriving inside Mary’s nourishing and life-giving womb. Men could but stand by for nine months and look on. A few years later, the One who was laid in the manger was deemed unacceptable because of his attitude towards women. Therefore, he had to be marginalised. He remains marginalised to the degree that some male religious folk cannot tolerate the idea of ordaining women. In any powerful patriarchal context, the milk of human kindness flowing from some religious leaders towards women candidates for ordination quickly sours, curdles and becomes a form of religious mastitis. Any breast feeding association will recommend that if you think you have mastitis then you should seek treatment immediately.