Bite 11 by FP: ‘Let me build a tabernacle for each of us so we need never leave.’ This was a disciple’s idea at the Transfiguration. It was never going to happen, but still, what an idea!

Fabric, wood, string, stones 30cmL x 30cmW x 80cmH $6,000

Bite 11 by NN: Indeed! What an idea! It never did happen. In the meantime, latent anti-Semitism in the heart of Christianity has inspired many to tear down hundreds of synagogues thereby refusing to accept that synagogues, tabernacles and churches can coexist in peace. There have been many moments in Western civilisation when the Church lost sight of the reality that Jesus of Nazareth was a Jewish rabbi, not a Christian. Jesus would have found himself rounded-up and placed in the ghettos and camps.



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