Maundy Thursday– This is the day when Christians remember Jesus washing his disciple’s feet. Joseph Beuys was a Performance Artist when he re-enacted this foot washing in the streets. His action was met with the same consternation as at Jesus’ time. It seems to be our nature to resist another’s kind service….but it need not be this way. Stop in this moment and be refreshed in God’s waiting kindnesses.
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U is for jUnks in G is for Gallery
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

Uccello Ufan Hwa-Un Unsworth undergrowth
unemployment unicity urban agriculture urban form urbanization urban sprawl unfortunately
ibiquity ufo Uganda ultimate unabashedly unable to help unabridged unaccustomed unadvisable unaffected unaided unapproved unbearable unbiased unblemished uncared for unclog unconfessed unencumbered uneroded unicef unilateral uninvolved universe unjust unnecessary unopposed unrestricted
Wednesday of Holy Week The traditional primary theme for this day is our human need for healing and forgiveness. If we know that ‘God is love’ and so, promises to forgive us anything that would separate us from this love, why do we find it so hard to forgive ourselves? Holding ourselves accountable when God does not is perverse and plainly, sad. God can not speak to someone if this love is overridden with one’s own version of punishment. Release yourself for God’s sake!
Look at one object within your view. Let your eyes examine it – trace all its edges, colour, light, etc. Let your eyes rest on this object seemingly without purpose. Let your mind settle and relax.
H is for Hair in G is for Gallery
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

Frans Hals Hamilton Hesse Hausmann Hepworth Hiller Hingston Hinde Hockney Hogarth
Hokusai Hans Holbein Holzer Homer Hopper
Horn Horton Hall Hirst Hartoum Hugo Heidelberg
habitat hazardous waste heavy metal herbicide hydrology holograms haemadromograph haemoglobin habitation hagiologist hammer it out hand to hand struggle to Hell in a hand-basket harass hamper hasty defense the have and have-nots havoc health hazard heartbroken heaven sent hedonistic helix helium horizon hemisphere horror horseless carriage
Tuesday of Holy Week Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The woman who loves her life will lose it, while the woman who hates her life in this world will keep it for eternal life.’ John 12: 23-26 So, to concentrate on one’s own success – is to lose what matters. Love for God must be such that all other loves are, by comparison, hatred. This text speaks to me and my misplaced sense of success. Today I repent of this.
T is for Ted in G is for Gallery
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

Tracey Deep tableau taboo Toulouse-Lautrec taper take a look Tàpies Tintoretto Titian Turner Cy Twombly Turpin technology tanning Toyen Tjapaltjarri Tucker Teilhard de Chardin
Tsunami toxic chemical toxic cloud teteatete tobacco tables technician tail feather take effect take a hit take a breath take away take the bull by the horns take possession talk turkey tangent Tanzania tax exempt telehydrobarometer telesteroscope tax free
Monday of Holy Week – Jesus said: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first a greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Matthew 22: 37-39 Close your eyes and breathe slowly, in and out. Put your hands on your abdomen to feel your breath rise and fall. Think about Jesus’ words. Live into the words of Jesus.
HOLY WEEK – 5 minute Lenten Mini-Devos 2012
By Flossie Peitsch
Essence Theme
LENTEN OVERVIEW: This is the last week of my Lenten 5 minute mini devos. I added a few thoughts for Easter too. These writings have been my Lenten commitment to you… but in my doing this, YOU have helped my journey.
It is traditional to give up something for Lent but it can also follow four (4) disciplines:
Repentance – self-examination
Prayer – Pray about life issues, including listening to God’s word
Fasting – Limiting or eliminating something you enjoy, as you feel you
are led to do
Service – Giving up personal time for others’ benefit
PREPARE: Pick a time when you will not be interrupted. Have beside you your Bible and light a candle. The purpose of the Devos is to momentarily simplify your spirituality by focusing on one thought or action. It is meant to be a step towards a new awareness using some of our God-given senses and attributes.
General Daily Outline
[Light the candle]
Say Out-loud
Though we own nothing, everything is ours. 2 Cor. 6:10b
[Daily Focus]
Say Out-loud
May the grace of God the creator, the love of our lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all.
[Extinguish the candle]
G…G is for Gallery
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!
Gaudí gentlewomen Guggenheim gentian Gunn Globalization Gluttony Geiger Counter Gauguin Garbage gommage Gender Gibberish Greater Good Géricault granular synthesis grave graze Giacometti Generate Generous 1.5 giggawatts! Give Place Gilbert and George governance graciousness goal google Giotto Vincent van Gogh Goya GST girlpower El Greco Grosz Gascoigne Goya Gleeson greenfields greenhouse effect grey water ground water Gorgeous grandiosity greediness goodnight guerrilla gongs guitar G clef G-man
5th week of Lent, Saturday – Lack of air circulation makes things stale or rancid. That is why we ‘air things out”, ideas and belongings. Look at one object within your view. Blow a tissue of paper held by two fingers. Let your eyes examine it – trace all its edges, colour, light, etc. Let your eyes follow this movement seemingly without purpose. Let your mind settle and relax. Thank God that you can notice this smallness in all the bigness of your life.
G is for Gallery Introduced
by Flossie Peitsch, 2012
G is for Gallery reflexively plays with one’s idea of ‘real art’. The QR* code + one’s phone is all that is required to access a history of artists with ecological / ideological causes or tally future issues that artists may pursue. All this exists outside of but with the support of ‘the white cube’. Going below the surface, it links blank wall, canvas and technology with alternative space with active place with altered time. This is a blurring of preconceived art ideas and gallery conventions such as word versus image, system versus sign, sound versus sight, public versus private, inclusion and exclusion, to name only a few.
Material World
8 april 2012
Dickson, ACT
An exhibition of site specific installations in the gallery and surrounds, exploring environmentalism through the use of recycled and found materials.
Exhibiting artists:
Tracey Deep (NSW), Ampersand Duck (ACT), Mandy Gunn (VIC), Ruth Hingston (ACT), Ro Murray (NSW), Flossie Peitsch (NSW), Tony Steel (ACT), Fiona Veikkanen (ACT).
Curated by Narelle Phillips and Martine Peters.
The exhibition will celebrate Earth Hour with a candle lit opening party on Saturday 31 March.
for more details visit the Exhibition Page Link