Week 1, Day 002 Blogging with a theme
So, the idea with this year-long Blog is to draw a portrait of BED, BREAKFAST & BELIEF: Seeking The Spiritual Self In Community Relationship ….Who it involves, What it delivers, Where it goes, When it connects/fails, Why it is of interest, and How it changes. Of course, creating the majority of the exhibition has already taken over ten years which will not be documented but more installations will immerge over the year.
This Victorian Tour is unique in that though it represents a large body of work, each gallery was encouraged to pick installations which suited its particular preferences, gallery space and clientele. With great enthusiasm, these choices were enacted. So what seemed like a good idea at the time is proving to be a complicated process. Effectively, each gallery chose very different work and six groupings of Peitsch art will be installed throughout the Tour. The good thing of course is that each gallery director will have exactly what she/he wants and people visiting more than one location will expand their experience of the work.