When I look at these images what I can’t help but notice is the symmetry. So, the objects that stand out are the parts that don’t fit with that symmetry. What my son sees is the player controls from a media player like iTunes or Windows Media Player; the plate recording audio, the triangle was the play button, the cutlery pauses the music. In so many areas of culture, especially dinner, we see what we want to see. We see things through the lense of our history.
This idea for an exhibition is the most exciting one that I have had for a while! It was brought about by accidental necessity too. Or some would say that I had the creativity to see it as possibility. As it happened, along with Matthias my son, I was successful in receiving an Australian Artist’s Grant for the planned exhibition in Darwin. It was then that I discovered that it was to be a gallery where…
There is no facility for providing you with equipment.
We don’t usually keep the gallery open while there is a show hanging.
No budget.
At that time there will be nobody around. Students or viewers.
So, what would be better than an online exhibition? It will certainly exist but almost completely in virtual space. Since deciding to do this, I visited the Louisiana Gallery of Modern Art in Copenhagen, Denmark. http://www.louisiana.dk/uk/Menu/Exhibitions/Yoko+Ono I discovered that Yoko Ono is one of first artist to participate in internet exhibitions. ‘Yoko Ono: one Woman Show’ is a straight online exhibition presented on the website of the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art. http://www.artcommotion.com/Issue2/moca/ This was in 1997!
Still, what would come of these humble bits purchased from Spotlight? I guess I was about to find out. Key to this exhibition is the exposed process of ‘making’. It is a lose collaboration between three creative people…each of us artist in our own medium!
My artist friend, Sally Kidall, has a creative son who found on line a 3D Printer program for a mini dinner table ….I was very amazed to see and HEAR this little table come into being…..Here is a recording of the mechanical sound of the printer at work. I think it could be the basis of DINNER’S soundscape. I better ask my music collaborator it he sees the potential too!
This is the image of STACKHOUSE that inspired the Danes to build it in Denmark and include it in Sculpture by the Sea. The problem was going to be how to find similar wood as I made this from recycled Aussie fence palings. They did it and also did an excellent job duplicating it. once I get to Aarhus, I will document STACKHOUSE II as it should be entitled.
So, having used QR Codes as the main form of communication…..how does it feel to be left out of the main-line? No SMARTPHONE – No access! This is actually the way the majority of earth dwellers live…no say. no voice. no resources. no future. no life. Those who have a say, a voice, resources, a future, a life, in short…full access, are THE only hope for everyone.
PS…I don’t even have access to my own QR Codes being smartphoneless!
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below… If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!
Rrap Rauschenberg Rembrandt Rubens Raphael Ray Rimmington Renoir Rouault rego rainforest rees Richter Riley Diego Rivera
Rare recycling red data species renewable resources resource management riparian runoff
radio therapy radiation radio telescope rainbow raki random rationalization rationale re-creation re-afforestation rewarding regardless rhinoceros ribbon worm ring-around-a-rosy
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!
N is for ‘stories like Never before’ in G is for Gallery
Nam June Paik Newmarch Nolde Nash Nauman
Nelson Newman Naganobu
national park natural environment natural heritage natural resource network non-renewable nuclear nutrients naïve nab naked as the day you were born namelessness nanosecond narcotic narrow minded nationalization native land nature naught nebular nightmare nightshade nimbus cloud nilpotent nitrogen trichloride noisiness non acceptance
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!
Yumik Sugo Sedgley Sage da Silva Cossington Smith Storrier stitt stelarc Smithson Jill Scot
Solar salinisation scoping report sewage smog socio-economic soil erosion solar power solid waste spatial planning species species diversity species richness stakeholders stormwater strategic surface water sustainability sustainable
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!
E is for Earth hour in G is for Gallery
Endo earth art environment electronic Einstein Ernst Eluard Evans Ely Eakins Emin Ensor Jan van Eyck Epstein Ecology Eco-consumer Eco-friendly Ecological Footprint Energy Efficient Environmental Management Environmental Impact Emissions Ethical Goods earth ECOCEOVER endangered eagle electromagnetic electrolyte electron electronic simulative deception endoskeleton endorsement endoplasm endure episodic erodium texanum engulf
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!
L is for Look what is out there in G is for Gallery
Lee Lawrence Leveson Laib Lindy Lee Leicher Lichtenstein Lambra Lautrec Leveson Léger Leonardo da Vinci Maya Lin Fra Filippo Lippi Lorenzetti
Lorenzo Lotto LS Lowry Sarah Lucas
Land degradation landfills landscape land use local agenda liposuction lipstick liquefied liquid assets listeria meningitis literacy lithium litmus paper litre littoral zone line of reasoning living death loam lobbyist locomotion
Find out about Art and art happenings. What I like and what I don't.