Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!
U is for jUnks in G is for Gallery
Uccello Ufan Hwa-Un Unsworth undergrowth
unemployment unicity urban agriculture urban form urbanization urban sprawl unfortunately
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!
H is for Hair in G is for Gallery
Frans Hals Hamilton Hesse Hausmann Hepworth Hiller Hingston Hinde Hockney Hogarth
Hokusai Hans Holbein Holzer Homer Hopper
Horn Horton Hall Hirst Hartoum Hugo Heidelberg
habitat hazardous waste heavy metal herbicide hydrology holograms haemadromograph haemoglobin habitation hagiologist hammer it out hand to hand struggle to Hell in a hand-basket harass hamper hasty defense the have and have-nots havoc health hazard heartbroken heaven sent hedonistic helix helium horizon hemisphere horror horseless carriage
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!
T is for Ted in G is for Gallery
Tracey Deep tableau taboo Toulouse-Lautrec taper take a look Tàpies Tintoretto Titian Turner Cy Twombly Turpin technology tanning Toyen Tjapaltjarri Tucker Teilhard de Chardin
Tsunami toxic chemical toxic cloud teteatete tobacco tables technician tail feather take effect take a hit take a breath take away take the bull by the horns take possession talk turkey tangent Tanzania tax exempt telehydrobarometer telesteroscope tax free
Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!
Gaudí gentlewomen Guggenheim gentian Gunn Globalization Gluttony Geiger Counter Gauguin Garbage gommage Gender Gibberish Greater Good Géricault granular synthesis grave graze Giacometti Generate Generous 1.5 giggawatts! Give Place Gilbert and George governance graciousness goal google Giotto Vincent van Gogh Goya GST girlpower El Greco Grosz Gascoigne Goya Gleeson greenfields greenhouse effect grey water ground water Gorgeous grandiosity greediness goodnight guerrilla gongs guitar G clef G-man
Yes, yes, I know it is old and there are more than hints of bad language, but it has been a family friend in my circles for years. My boys put us onto this site long ago and it still makes me laugh. I remember it often. I am surprised that it is still accessible.
But if you don’t like that one try…
another light-hearted approach
Taking over the world non-violently ..with words – cartoon
N is for ‘stories like Never before’ in G is for Gallery
I am not too sure about this artist’s paintings but I love the idea of linking below and beyond the canvas…..
Perhaps the possibility of ‘too much information’ is now a problem. Allowing viewer’s own imaginations to work is more than half the fun in art I think.
What if traditional forms of art could be more interactive? That’s exactly what Jose Torres, better known artistically as Tony Taj, wondered. Jose, a painter and mobile designer, mainly paints intricate cityscapes on canvas, and is inspired by imagining the lives of the people who live and work on each floor and in each building he paints. So he came up with a way of sharing the stories he created around each character with you as you view the painting–all you would need is your smartphone.
Jose combined both his professions to create what he calls the Ambient Media Portal (AMP). Integrated into each of his works of art are a number of blended QR codes. When you scan a code, you will get a deeper insight into what is happening in the painting.
The code will link to further artwork, be it a live character video, animation, a song, or lyrics. Jose periodically changes this extra material so you can revisit again and again to learn more. Give it a try with the QR code in the above photo–it’s really cool.
*add your words in the link below.
Nam June Paik Newmarch Nolde Nash Nauman
Nelson Newman Naganobu
national park natural environment natural heritage natural resource network non-renewable nuclear nutrients naïve nab naked as the day you were born namelessness nanosecond narcotic narrow minded nationalization native land nature naught nebular nightmare nightshade nimbus cloud nilpotent nitrogen trichloride noisiness non acceptance
Young British Artists or YBAs[1] (also referred to as Brit artists and Britart) is the name given to a loose group of visual artists who first began to exhibit together in London, in 1988. Many of the artists graduated from the BA Fine Art course at Goldsmiths, in the late-1980s…… most of the YBAs were born in the mid-1960s. They are noted for “shock tactics”, use of throwaway materials, wild-living, and an attitude “both oppositional and entrepreneurial.”[2] They achieved considerable media coverage and dominated British art during the 1990s. See below: Goldsmiths where many TBA studied.
Yumik Sugo Sedgley Sage da Silva Cossington Smith Storrier stitt stelarc Smithson Jill Scot
Solar salinisation scoping report sewage smog socio-economic soil erosion solar power solid waste spatial planning species species diversity species richness stakeholders stormwater strategic surface water sustainability sustainable
Objects Qr code by David Sykes This art is getting further into the codes. There is so much more to be explored in this new world!
Here is another take on using QR codes in art…I like that the process surpasses language…..
Floppy Disk Qr-code
3×3 mt su stoffa (118,11″)
Flavio Tosi ( in collaborazione con sua nonna
Si tratta di un patchwork di più di 800 floppy disk da 3,5″.
Ogni dischetto è stato etichettato con una trama a venatura di foglia, intervallati in un ritmo damascato, se scannerizzato con un lettore, come quelli dei cellulari ne risulta un testo: un tera non fa primavera.
*add your own words in the comments below.
Lee Lawrence Leveson Laib Lindy Lee Leicher Lichtenstein Lambra Lautrec Leveson Léger Leonardo da Vinci Maya Lin Fra Filippo Lippi Lorenzetti
Lorenzo Lotto LS Lowry Sarah Lucas
Land degradation landfills landscape land use local agenda liposuction lipstick liquefied liquid assets listeria meningitis literacy lithium litmus paper litre littoral zone line of reasoning living death loam lobbyist locomotion
Honestly, much art from junk is good for recycling but not good for art, (says she who recycles and considers it art). Many sites I went to confirmed this.
(Matt…a separate blog below)
Actually, some of us artists do object to the term ‘Trash Art’. I don’t mind it as then people who see no value in this type of work can at least feel confirmed in their opinion. I do not feel any compulsion to change those people’s minds! I am having too much fun playing with unusual objects and taking it to a new level.
And if you are looking for recycled links…check this amazing hook….it actually connects not with the artist’s site but with an advertizing site……/xgy2h4_leading-chinese–arti…8 Feb 2011 – 2 min Chinese artist Li Xiaofeng is one of China’s most original artists. Looking for a new kind of material, he has
*add your own words below in the comments.
Uccello Ufan Hwa-Un Unsworth undergrowth
unemployment unicity urban agriculture urban form urbanization urban sprawl unfortunately
Opening at the Guggenheim….too funny, especially being an installation artist myself! I actually like the cringe factor myself. Cartoon is a good way to not take oneself too seriously.
Still, standing out at this level is not for everyone. If you are a little more timid, try this one…
Frans Hals Hamilton Hesse Hausmann Hepworth Hiller Hingston Hinde Hockney Hogarth
Hokusai Hans Holbein Holzer Homer Hopper
Horn Horton Hall Hirst Hartoum Hugo Heidelberg
habitat hazardous waste heavy metal herbicide hydrology holograms haemadromograph haemoglobin habitation hagiologist hammer it out hand to hand struggle to Hell in a hand-basket harass hamper hasty defense the have and have-nots havoc health hazard heartbroken heaven sent hedonistic helix helium horizon hemisphere horror horseless carriage
Find out about Art and art happenings. What I like and what I don't.