Dear Calvin,
Wow! I have been so glad to be inspired by your writings and emails over these many years. Thank yo so much for your encouraging words today! The ice is quite thin where I stand. And this is fore-mostly from the Christians! The others – if interested – in my type of art practice do not credit me with ‘spirituality’! Still, I continue to play to a small audience. Just heard again in church as it is Palm Sunday, that Jesus ‘made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant’. Being a ZERO is still hard for me as it eats at one’s self-confidence (on a good day I really know that is not what Jesus was referring to here). Feeling at least ‘useful’ is integral to being an artist yet ‘being worth nothing’ in a broad sense is what an artist fears most. At this stage in my professional life, I know even less why I am doing art but it feels important to be creating it – all the same. I am so glad it is important to you, Calvin, and to a handful of others. Your response is one of those ‘good surprises’ you hope for me. So appreciated! Could I have your permission to use your feed-back and the reply it generated on my blog ( which is soon to feature this exhibition in bit-sized bits for the public? With your name? I wish you good surprises too! Nicely put! A fellow worker in the kingdom,
On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 6:21 AM,
Calvin Seerveld wrote:
Dear Flossie,
I just received and read through your catalogue—extraordinary! The words and images are thoroughly you, in your deepest heart, given trenchant expression that with the artwork is deeply compelling. Congratulations are carrying through, with accessible talk, the fact of God’s creational daily reality which can afford a gracious opening to the saving truth. Thank you for keeping me up to date on your mission in the artworld. Your artwork witness is a great encouragement to me.
God bless you with good surprises!