Chapel on Station Gallery April 7th – May 4th 2016
cnr Station St & Ellingworth Pde
Box Hill Vic 3128
Ph 9890 5810
Hours : Tues-Fri 11:30am-3pm Sat 1-4pm Sun 4:30-7pm
Dr Petre Santry “Exhibition Opening April 7, 2016 at 7pm by Dr Petre Santry Senior Academic Advisor at Victoria University, artist and Christian Includes Artist’s Mini Talk”
Free Workshop for Artists on Sat April 16 at 12:30pm BYO Lunch at Gallery followed by workshop from 1:30pm – 3:30pm (See text block below)
“Talk by Artist on Sun May 1 at 4:30pm
Expanding exhibition themes / techniques Seeking the Spiritual: Ethereal, Ephemeral or Eternal
Saturday, April 16
Facilitator Dr Flossie Peitsch In conjunction with The Centre for Theology and Ministry’s Artists’ Network / Artfull Faith Co-ordinator Christina Rowntree
A person’s belief system and visual coding is highly affected by their period in history, their cultural influence, social class, and personal spiritual journey. No one is exempt from these influencing factors. The divine is often thought of as ethereal, ephemeral or eternal and this is conveyed in the art the person creates. It has been said that ‘an artist can only create the art they can create’ but perhaps, there is more to be explored. This forum facilitates opportunities for participants to step outside of their life’s usual vantage point – to advantage their art or thinking practice.
PETITS FORAYS “Exhibition Description
Thirteen (13) small, plinth-based, free-standing sculptures
PETITS FORAYS “Exhibition Statement by Artist
A ‘foray’ is defined as ‘a brief but spirited attempt to become involved in a new activity or sphere’. Petit Four – French for ‘small oven’ – refers today to a miniature confectionery or savoury appetizer which was traditionally made in a smaller oven next to the main oven. Hence, like the artist herself – pint-sized and passionate – PETITS FORAYS is a rare offering of bite-sized theology.
This baker’s dozen of small sculptures eschew clichéd religious symbols in order to offer a fresh ‘chew’ of contemporary spirituality. The miniature portions belie the big thoughts generously served up to those who dare to ponder ‘the divine’ in an unfamiliar bake.
With Astute Comments by Neal Nuske
INTRODUCTION TO NN: Neal Nuske is educated in theology, once ordained and serving as clergy in the Lutheran Church. His interest lies in musical texts, historical texts, artistic and religious texts. Nuske’s bite-sized theological reflections are influenced by twenty-five (25) years teaching young adults the subject areas of Study of Religion and Theory of Knowledge. His perceptions and beliefs about reality are constantly challenged in the spirit of critical inquiry.
Within the formalities and rigours of academic research facilitated by Nuske, his students search for a place to belong. Their personal questions being the preliminary steps in their scanning the intellectual landscapes of their respective religious traditions, or lack thereof. He offers this same possibility to others, in the crunchy word-bites following.