This is life after COVID ends – but life morphs into a new reality.
Life is strange. I look proudly at my new umbrella, admiring the ancient craftsmanship….and feeling younger by comparison!

HABITAT Art Chart – Yering Station, 2016
Flossie Peitsch
Year: 2016
Medium: Fabric insets and blind material,
Dimensions: 150L x 120W
Price: $3500 [inc GST and 30% commission]
There are many levels to peel away to reveal the underlying layers of existence. What is obvious on the surface may not be all there is in reality. Unearthing a deeper actuality may involve the discomforting purging of some widely held ‘truths’.
‘OUT FOR LUNCH’ This is me saying I have a lot of material from DINNER to add to this Blog but currently, I am having trouble seeing the point of being so diligent as an artist! I feel myself tipping toward the slippery slope of ‘whothehellcaresaboutwhatIdoinart’. I have been back from Darwin for two weeks where I presented this fine exhibition – in many formats – with NOT ONE PERSON inquiring about what art happened there. Maybe this isn’t enough for me anymore. I am certain that I do not want to burden anyone with my art rantings and raves. But my art is not about me doing my ‘thing’ in secret because I am driven to do so. It needs an audience. It needs some sort of external validation to continue to develop. I do not know what that would be but it is not happening…after almost forty years of hard labor on my part and, apparently, on the part of everyone who has come into my clutches. Maybe I should cut the losses and leave this vocation now. I do not know
This image is one in a series showing the artist trying to make her way in the vast unknown called life. Don’t worry, she makes her way safely down the slope but hesitates to go back up on the podium again.
My artist friend, Sally Kidall, has a creative son who found on line a 3D Printer program for a mini dinner table ….I was very amazed to see this little table come into being…..
Filmed, Designed and Recorded by:
Christopher Kidall Park
“exploring the world through video, sound, creativity & making”
3d table plans available:
What more appropriate for an on-line exhibition than an on-line review…
And a pic of my new Danish artist friend, Steffen Tast, having an impromptu delicious and enlightening lunchtime meal and sharing of ‘trade practices’ at his stable studio on the outskirts of Aarhus.
Instead of sitting at table in my Darwin Gallery exhibition, hosting art there…I was gallivanting about the nation and found myself in Melbourne. Of course it was deliberate as most of my family and I were dining with long time friends who had arrived from South Australia to be introduced to my Godson’s OS girlfriend just in from the USA. That was the first Dinner Party of the weekend. It was DIFFICULT because our children had celebrated many, many Christmases and Easters together over the years found themselves in different corners of the world and expanding. Each of them would travel far in their young lives – physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually.Perhaps they would not have contact like this again. And the parents…we have journeys too.
The second DINNER PARTY was just as important as it was my son Joe’s 26th birthday and was celebrated with family friends at Jon Westfall’s, another birthday boy, their unheated garage @ 2 degrees Celsius! still, a warm evening and plenty of laughs! It was difficult because whenever you bring people together, you hear their stories….life brings lots of difficulties. It sometimes takes courage to live.
Thanks for the fun and much to also chew over…..