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Comments by the fabricators of the HANDMADE APRONs:
Related website: homes/community/letteredaprons.html
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Related website: homes/community/letteredaprons.html
Today Tom watched the movie How to Make an American Quilt. I remember seeing this movie as a younger wife and mother in 1995…very much about how culture and belief is passed along through the making of artifaction (my word for the traditionally based fabrication of dance/music/artifacts within any culture). I was jarred by the lost dreams, infidelity, unfairness of life for these women and sided easily with, Winona Ryder’s character, the heroine who would follow her heart and mind – despite cost.
That was before a very difficult pregnancy, almost loosing the baby and myself in the process. Then, I had still more great loss to experience while following my heart…
A poem from the movie is
“Young lovers seek perfection.
Old lovers learn the art of sewing shreds together
and of seeing beauty in a multiplicity of patches.”
I am now at the later stage.
Related website: the movie
Comments by the fabricators of the HANDMADE APRONS:
Related website: homes/community/letteredaprons.html
Comments by the fabricator of a HANDMADE APRON:
Related website: homes/community/letteredaprons.html
Comments by the fabricators of the HANDMADE APRONS:
Related website: homes/community/letteredaprons.html
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Comment on chat about being the mother of six young children…
8:31 PM I think I looked tired most often but I was so busy that I did not know it. Though my life has never revolved singularly around ‘my children’ and inside I was always ‘the practicing artist’, I was content with the art that happened during that time as I never wanted to give up anything concerning you all. I tried to squeeze the art outcomes around time with you – not because I had to, but I needed to be with you perhaps even more than you needed to be with me. I didn’t know that I was learning essential things that were to become my art now. These things I learned make my art valuable and worthwhile…and good. I must never feel a failure…I have all of you…even if I am never a well-known artist…xx
8:32 PM goodnight 🙂
8:35 PM Matthias: just because you’re not well known doesn’t stop you from being important.
8:36 PM and we are thankful for your effort in our lives.
So, the exhibition is finished at Maryborough. It is all packed up and ready to be picked by Tom and I. We will first pack the van and drop that load off at Wangaratta. Then we will pick up the work from Maryborough and drop that off at Wangaratta on the way back from Melbourne.
Kathy and Tim Peitsch will be with us. They are the first of the extended PEITSCH family to be visiting in over 18 years! Quite wonderful that they choose to claim us and really like Australia too. Feels very good to play such an important role in our mutual lives. Hope we don’t have to wait another 18 years…
Like my sisters who visit…this is family at its best!
Chat online
8:26 PM me: thanks for the chat….xxxooo
8:28 PM Matthias: love you.
8:30 PM me: love you too. oh, i meant to tell you…looking at old photos and artifacts from Lobethal about you young boys was very sobbering (yes sobbering) for me. Looking from this distance, I realized how full my life once was and how much energy I put into you all. I found you all so interesting and important and very, very cute – even when you were naughty. I hope I remembered to be happy too.
Hello Flossie
Thank you for sending through the great newspaper article, which I read with interest.
Well, it’s nearly time for the exhibition to close in Maryborough – my, my how time does fly!! I will get a chance to thank you in person, but I would also like to say thankyou, so very much, for allowing us to exhibit your work. The exhibition has provided us with some interesting comments; the majority being very positive. I’m sorry no-one really embraced the idea of the blog; it doesn’t surprise me.
I wish you every success with the tour and with your art in general. It was a pleasure working with you, and meeting you and your wonderful family.
With best wishes,