Tag Archives: gisforgallery

Blog for the Technically-deprived

So, having used QR Codes as the main form of communication…..how does it feel to be left out of the main-line? No SMARTPHONE – No access! This is actually the way the majority of earth dwellers live…no say. no voice. no resources. no future. no life. Those who have a say, a voice, resources, a future, a life, in short…full access, are THE only hope for everyone.

PS…I don’t even have access to my own QR Codes being smartphoneless!

links for QRs:

G   T  H   U   E   L   S   N   O

G…QR title: G is for Gallery


T……  QR title:  T is for Ted


H…… QR title:  H is for Hair


U……  QR title:   U is for jUnks


E……    QR title:  E is for Earth hour


L……    QR title:  L is for Look what is out there


S……  QR title:  S  is for charles Saatchi


N…… QR title:  N is for ‘stories like Never before’


O……. QR title:  O is for glObal


R is for Rationalization in G is for Gallery

Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is  double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…
If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

Rrap    Rauschenberg    Rembrandt    Rubens    Raphael    Ray    Rimmington    Renoir    Rouault    rego    rainforest    rees    Richter    Riley    Diego Rivera

Rare    recycling    red data species     renewable resources    resource management      riparian      runoff

radio therapy    radiation    radio telescope    rainbow           raki    random        rationalization        rationale      re-creation      re-afforestation    rewarding    regardless      rhinoceros      ribbon worm    ring-around-a-rosy

O is for global in G is for Gallery

Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is  double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…

If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

O is for glObal in G is for Gallery

Ofili    O’Keeffe     Oldenburg    Yoko Ono    Meret Oppenheim    Jill Orr    Orlan    Oppenheim    Olley    O’Brien

Over-utilisation    ozone    ozone layer    oh, no!    oh,oh.    okay     oasis    oats    obesity    objector    objet d’art       obliterate    obstetrician    occupy    occurrence    opulent       occupy     off limits      oil pipeline     omega-3      once and for all    oncology    ownership    overreach     overabundant    overbalance    overcapitalize      overt      oriented       orientalize      ornithopod dinosaur       orthoboric acid      overload     owl       oxaprozin    opposed     opportunity

N is for ‘stories like Never before’ in G is for Gallery

Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is  double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…

If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

N is for ‘stories like Never before’ in G is for Gallery

Nam June Paik    Newmarch   Nolde    Nash    Nauman

Nelson    Newman    Naganobu

national park    natural environment   natural heritage    natural resource   network    non-renewable     nuclear    nutrients    naïve    nab    naked as the day you were born    namelessness    nanosecond    narcotic    narrow minded    nationalization    native land    nature    naught    nebular    nightmare    nightshade    nimbus cloud    nilpotent    nitrogen trichloride    noisiness    non acceptance

S is for charles Saatchi in G is for Gallery

Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is  double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…

If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

S is for charles Saatchi in G is for Gallery

Steel    Hiroshi Sugimoto    Do-Ho Suh    Stubbs    Stoss    Still    Smithson    Cindy Sherman    Seurat

Schneider    Schwitters    Sargent    Andres Serrano

Yumik Sugo    Sedgley    Sage    da Silva    Cossington Smith    Storrier    stitt    stelarc    Smithson    Jill Scot

Solar    salinisation     scoping report    sewage    smog    socio-economic    soil erosion    solar power    solid waste    spatial planning    species    species diversity    species richness    stakeholders    stormwater    strategic   surface water    sustainability    sustainable

E is for Earth hour in G is for Gallery

Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is  double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…

If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

E is for Earth hour in G is for Gallery

Endo    earth art     environment     electronic    Einstein     Ernst    Eluard    Evans    Ely    Eakins    Emin     Ensor    Jan van Eyck   Epstein    Ecology     Eco-consumer    Eco-friendly    Ecological Footprint    Energy Efficient    Environmental Management    Environmental Impact    Emissions    Ethical Goods    earth    ECOCEOVER    endangered    eagle    electromagnetic    electrolyte    electron    electronic simulative deception    endoskeleton    endorsement    endoplasm    endure    episodic    erodium texanum    engulf

L is for Look what is out there in G is for Gallery

Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is  double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…

If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

L is for Look what is out there in G is for Gallery

Lee   Lawrence   Leveson    Laib    Lindy Lee   Leicher   Lichtenstein   Lambra   Lautrec    Leveson    Léger    Leonardo da Vinci     Maya Lin    Fra Filippo Lippi    Lorenzetti

Lorenzo Lotto   LS Lowry    Sarah Lucas

Land degradation    landfills    landscape    land use    local agenda    liposuction    lipstick    liquefied    liquid assets    listeria meningitis    literacy    lithium    litmus paper    litre    littoral zone    line of reasoning    living death    loam    lobbyist    locomotion

U is for jUnks in G is for Gallery

Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is  double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…

If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

U is for jUnks in G is for Gallery

Uccello    Ufan    Hwa-Un     Unsworth   undergrowth

unemployment    unicity    urban agriculture    urban form    urbanization    urban sprawl    unfortunately

ibiquity    ufo    Uganda    ultimate  unabashedly    unable to help    unabridged    unaccustomed    unadvisable    unaffected    unaided    unapproved    unbearable unbiased    unblemished    uncared for    unclog    unconfessed    unencumbered    uneroded    unicef    unilateral    uninvolved    universe    unjust    unnecessary    unopposed    unrestricted

H is for Hair in G is for Gallery

Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is  double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…

If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

H is for Hair in G is for Gallery

Frans Hals    Hamilton    Hesse    Hausmann    Hepworth    Hiller    Hingston    Hinde    Hockney    Hogarth

Hokusai    Hans Holbein    Holzer    Homer    Hopper

Horn   Horton    Hall    Hirst    Hartoum        Hugo    Heidelberg

habitat    hazardous waste    heavy metal    herbicide    hydrology  holograms    haemadromograph   haemoglobin    habitation    hagiologist    hammer it out    hand to hand struggle     to Hell in a hand-basket    harass    hamper    hasty defense    the have and have-nots    havoc     health hazard    heartbroken    heaven sent    hedonistic    helix    helium    horizon    hemisphere    horror    horseless carriage

T is for Ted in G is for Gallery

Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is  double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…

If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

T is for Ted in G is for Gallery

Tracey Deep      tableau      taboo      Toulouse-Lautrec      taper   take a look       Tàpies     Tintoretto       Titian      Turner       Cy Twombly      Turpin      technology      tanning        Toyen    Tjapaltjarri      Tucker      Teilhard de Chardin

Tsunami    toxic chemical      toxic cloud      teteatete    tobacco      tables      technician      tail feather        take effect    take a hit     take a breath      take away    take the bull by the horns    take possession    talk turkey      tangent    Tanzania    tax exempt   telehydrobarometer       telesteroscope       tax free

G…G is for Gallery

Try saying these words outloud. Hearing yourself as well as reading them is  double input. There are countless artists to list!! It was also completely easy to find suitable environmental words. Ultimately, almost all our language relates to physicality, emotionality, intellectuality or spirituality. These are ALL environmental issues…and cosmic issues. Do consider adding your own like-letter words in the response space below…

If you are an artist with the specified ‘letter’ name, add your name too!

Gaudí        gentlewomen   Guggenheim     gentian    Gunn       Globalization      Gluttony  Geiger Counter            Gauguin   Garbage    gommage         Gender     Gibberish          Greater Good       Géricault                  granular synthesis    grave                graze                 Giacometti                 Generate Generous                   1.5 giggawatts!                Give Place     Gilbert and George     governance      graciousness     goal                  google      Giotto                Vincent van Gogh      Goya                 GST          girlpower          El Greco         Grosz        Gascoigne      Goya      Gleeson      greenfields    greenhouse effect     grey water     ground water      Gorgeous    grandiosity    greediness         goodnight     guerrilla              gongs          guitar     G clef    G-man

G is for Gallery Introduced

by Flossie Peitsch, 2012

G is for Gallery reflexively plays with one’s idea of ‘real art’. The QR* code + one’s phone is all that is required to access a history of artists with ecological / ideological causes or tally future issues that artists may pursue. All this exists outside of but with the support of ‘the white cube’. Going below the surface, it links blank wall, canvas and         technology with alternative space with active place with altered time. This is a blurring of preconceived art ideas and gallery conventions such as word versus image,  system versus sign, sound versus sight, public versus private,  inclusion and exclusion, to name only a few.