Week 4, Day 021 BBBBlog it!
This is the sheet that viewers will be asked to fill in instead of a guest book when they visit B, B & B. Kay Perkins, director of The Central Goldfields Art Gallery, said it should be fun to gain this interaction. ‘People will be left alone to drop the questions in a box or hand them to staff. They may feel more like being honest that way.’ I suppose any Feedback is good but I will be happier to respond to signed comments. It does not matter if they are negative or positive. Any reaction is fair. But I have to stand by my work, so others should have to stand by their words.
Have you ever wished that the artist could walk beside you as you look around her exhibition so she could explain the work? Did you ever think that the artist would want to hear your questions and comments too? So, the next best thing is to Blog it! Write it here, adding your name, hand it to the staff and they will see that the artist gets it a.s.a.p. look for your answer at http://myblog.flossiepeitsch.com/