Tag Archives: robyn

Playtime for Robyn

My friend Robyn thinks outside the square. She is a determined and feisty woman of great intelligence and resourcefulness. It is her wish to become an author of children’s’ books. This new desire springs out of her relationship with young daughter Mahalia.

I offered to illustrate ‘This is My House’ and what fun I had! What a pleasure to produce art with a set purpose and audience in mind. No angst, no social message, no penetrating spirituality…just fun at no one’s expense.

Yes, yes, it is may not be ‘Fine Art’, but who cares? Truly Fine Art can be highly over-rated. Drama, drama, drama. The widely held expectation that artists are here to make a difference to their culture, all the while being commodified and venerated or mostly being kept poor and without privilege continues into this century.

‘So today, why not live a little instead,’ I asked myself. And did.