5th week of Lent, Monday – Close your eyes and breathe slowly, in and out. Today, do not take in the next breath until you do not have a choice and your body forces you to inhale. Consider how good it feels to take air in. your body wants to live. Even unconsciously it seeks to live in every way. So, join your body and live life. Be part of each day, bringing hope to it – like the sweet anticipation of the next breath your body craves. Don’t pass the time until your personal situation to improves. You may not have that long to wait! Think about the miraculous way you are alive now.
Tag Archives: spiritual self
5 minute Lenten Devotions -FIFTH WEEK
Week 5 – 5 minute Lenten Mini-Devos 2012
By Flossie Peitsch
Air Theme
LENTEN OVERVIEW: There are 40 days in Lent. (Sundays in this period are not counted as Lent.) It is traditional to give up something for Lent but it can also follow four (4) disciplines:
Repentance – self-examination
Prayer – Pray about life issues, including listening to God’s word
Fasting – Limiting or eliminating something you enjoy, as you feel you
are led to do
Service – Giving up personal time for others’ benefit
PREPARE: Pick a time when you will not be interrupted. Have beside you your Bible and light a candle. The purpose of the Devos is to momentarily simplify your spirituality by focusing on one thought or action. It is meant to be a step towards a new awareness using some of our God-given senses and attributes.
General Daily Outline
[Light the candle]
Say Out-loud
It is in God that we live, and move and have our being. Acts 17:28
[Daily Focus]
Say Out-loud
May the blessing of the Holy One who gives us life, the blessing of the Human One who heals our lives, the blessing of the Spirit who enriches our lives, be with us all during this sacred time.
[Extinguish the candle]
5 minute Lenten Devotions -THIRD WEEK
by Flossie Peitsch
LENTEN OVERVIEW: There are 40 days in Lent. (Sundays in this period are not counted as Lent.) It is traditional to give up something for Lent but it can also follow four (4) disciplines:
Repentance – self-examination
Prayer – Pray about life issues, including listening to God’s word
Fasting – Limiting or eliminating something you enjoy, as you feel you
are led to do
Service – Giving up personal time for others’ benefit
PREPARE: Pick a time when you will not be interrupted. Have beside you your Bible and light a candle. The purpose of the Devos is to momentarily simplify your spirituality by focusing on one thought or action. It is meant to be a step towards a new awareness using some of our God-given senses and attributes.
General Daily Outline
[Light the candle]
Tear off some lawn grass and set it by your candle for this week.
Say Out-loud
The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness there of. Halleluiah.
[Daily Focus]
Say Out-loud
May God the Father who created creativity; God the Son who lived creatively; and God the Holy Spirit who carries creativity to all corners of the earth, at all times, be and abide with us all.
[Extinguish the candle]
2nd week of Lent, Monday – Close your eyes and breathe slowly, in and out. Put your hands on your abdomen to feel your breath rise and fall. Think about the miraculous way you are alive now. Think about the waves of the ocean rolling in and out, as if showing the breath of the planet. Consider the renewal of your body through the intake of water. Continue breathing in a relaxed way.
5 minute Lenten Devotions -SECOND WEEK
By Flossie Peitsch
Water Theme
LENTEN OVERVIEW: There are 40 days in Lent. (Sundays in this period are not counted as Lent.)
Repentance – self-examination
Prayer – Pray about life issues, including listening to God’s word
Fasting – Limiting or eliminating something you enjoy, as you feel you are led to do
Service – Giving up personal time for others’ benefit
PREPARE: Pick a time when you will not be interrupted. Have beside you your Bible and light a candle. This week, have a glass of water beside the candle. The purpose of the Devos is to momentarily simplify your spirituality by focusing on one thought or action. It is meant to be a step towards a new awareness using some of our God-given senses and attributes.
General Daily Outline
This week you will need to bring a glass of water each day.
[Light the candle]
Say Out-loud
This is the day or the Lord. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
[Daily Focus]
Say Out-loud
Holy God, I give you permission to say what you want to, to me this day, to say what you want to through me today and to do want you want to with me this day.
[Drink the water. Extinguish the candle]
Week 19, Day 125 of BBB
Week 19, Day 124 of BBB
Hannah: How did you make Housewarming
General comment from the public: Was the wool unravelled for Housewarmingthe Onkaparinga Woollen Mills in South Australai before it shut down. This wool came off the ends of blankets after the end tassels were twisted. They were all short lengths of different colours. I used our broken clothes drying rack made into the shape of a house as a frame. I think the car stands look like the supports needed under some houses.
Week 19, Day 123 of BBB
Grace: How did you manage with that many people in your family?
Grace, that is an excellent question….I don’t know! But they also were very helpful to me…some did sound recording, some did computer work, some painted or carried art for me. Everyone cleaned the house for me. Family is hard work but if they are considerate, it can work out so everyone does what they have to do….and still have fun.

Week 19, Day 122 of BBB
Dakota: How did you make fencing?
I laid out the fence palings [taken from my old yard fence] in an uneven pattern and drew shapes connecting the panels. Then several women from a conference I was leading painted them in the colours they chose. If you line them up a certain way, they will reform the complete pattern. The pattern can from my imagination.

Week 18, Day 121 of BBB
Sasha: How did you make Soundchecking?
Sasha, I think you are asking about SOUNDPACKING. These are things that I sent to myself from Canada when I got rid of things in my parent’s house. My Dad had made the wooden cassette holders in his workshop. I made it by ‘playing’ with the shapes until it looked like a skyscraper. Then I drew a pattern of how it should look and the gallery staff in Wangaratta put it together from the drawing I sent along. They did a good job.

Week 18, Day 120 of BBB
Amy: Do you like sewing?
Pearl: I hope you have a lovely time here!
Hi Amy,
I do like sewing when I have the time and quiet to think. I don’t like to mend things…like all the pants needing patches on the knees when my boys were little! This green and red cotton was leftover from mending my children’s school uniforms. I used it in my art to try to make good use of it now that I don’t need these colours anymore.