‘OUT FOR LUNCH’ This is me saying I have a lot of material from DINNER to add to this Blog but currently, I am having trouble seeing the point of being so diligent as an artist! I feel myself tipping toward the slippery slope of ‘whothehellcaresaboutwhatIdoinart’. I have been back from Darwin for two weeks where I presented this fine exhibition – in many formats – with NOT ONE PERSON inquiring about what art happened there. Maybe this isn’t enough for me anymore. I am certain that I do not want to burden anyone with my art rantings and raves. But my art is not about me doing my ‘thing’ in secret because I am driven to do so. It needs an audience. It needs some sort of external validation to continue to develop. I do not know what that would be but it is not happening…after almost forty years of hard labor on my part and, apparently, on the part of everyone who has come into my clutches. Maybe I should cut the losses and leave this vocation now. I do not know
This image is one in a series showing the artist trying to make her way in the vast unknown called life. Don’t worry, she makes her way safely down the slope but hesitates to go back up on the podium again.