Tag Archives: friends

DIFFICULT DINNER PARTIES in Melbourne this weekend

Instead of sitting at table in my Darwin Gallery exhibition, hosting art there…I was gallivanting about the nation and found myself in Melbourne. Of course it was deliberate as most of my family and I were dining with long time friends who had arrived from South Australia to be introduced to my Godson’s OS girlfriend just in from the USA. That was the first Dinner Party of the weekend. It was DIFFICULT because our children had celebrated many, many Christmases and Easters together over the years found themselves in different corners of the world and expanding. Each of them would travel far in their young lives – physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually.Perhaps they would not have contact like this again. And the parents…we have journeys too.

Terry, Marilyn and Nathanial Schmidt with Katie and most Peitsches Dinner Party

The second DINNER PARTY was just as important as it was my son Joe’s 26th birthday and was celebrated with family friends at Jon Westfall’s, another birthday boy, house..in their unheated garage @ 2 degrees Celsius! still, a warm evening and plenty of laughs! It was difficult because whenever you bring people together, you hear their stories….life brings lots of difficulties. It sometimes takes courage to live.

Thanks for the fun and much to also chew over…..

Banff Continues… or at least starts.

Please note that this entry may cut off at any time since I am on the library’s timed internet connection. My own laptop is not set up yet as the useless plugs I purchased in Australia have only two holes for the three prongs that my equipment has. I think IT can help me out, for a fee….

I woke up about noon today which was a relief after being up for so long yesterday. I am just now (8pm) feeling weary and think I should give myself the rest of the day off. I dressed in my best jeans and put on makeup in an attempt to make a good impression on all the new people I would be meeting today. I did not know a soul here. It was very peculiar to emerge knowing this. I would rather have gone home. Then I started to meet them…the artists! Now I feel like I have kindred spirits! There was Sandra, Beverly, Jo Jo, Wendy, Donna, Lesley, Ingrid , Gloria, Catherine, Matt and more. There were very generous artists! In no time we were sharing stories, heartaches, dreams, and plans.  I was surrounded by people of my ilk – you know, artists-  with no explanation needed about what I am doing and why. But they did want to know more about me…I am delighted to be here now. I am only regretting that I have just three weeks to take it all in. I am hungry for experiences and to have output.

This will be fun.

Too bad I have to sleep at times.

Too bad I will want to swim and go for walks too.

All I want to do is have fun playing in my grand, empty studio. I will go over tonight – but no, that would be a bad idea.

So the library is closing now and instead, I will slip over – literally- very likely in all this snow – to the pool’s hot tub for the final relax of the day.