Tag Archives: satisfaction

Welcome to my world

Hi world,

I’m an artist. Not a teacher who does art in my spare time, nor a person who discovered they were good at drawing and decided to pursue a lifetime of Art. No, I have sweated and strained for many many years to investigate life’s journeys and struggles through art.

Many times I wonder, with little or no money nor recognition of success whether anybody cares what I, or indeed, other artists have to offer to a world that is more interested in covering it’s backside then considering life and the meanings contained within it.

Still, I realise that it is not success that drives me to do what I do. Rather it is the realisation of how important what I have discovered is, and how little others can realise and grasp the impact of the questions artists raise about life and living -about our place and space.

Still, I continue forward -not for myself but for all those who i am yet to meet or talk to about the incredible ideas I’ve discovered.

